Who is the Philodendron Fiend?

Seattle > Seoul > NYC > Dallas > SF Bay Area

I don’t write about myself often so this will take some time to put together.

In the meantime, a little bit about me:

Born and raised in Seattle, lived in Seoul for a few years then NYC for quite awhile before leaving to pursue an opportunity down in Dallas. Welp, the opportunity didn’t work out and with the former boss still owing me almost $10k in back pay but needing to pay bills, I applied for a host position for a restaurant only to be offered the general manager role. I helped open a brand new restaurant and help it become the hit that it is today. Despite the typical stresses tied to restaurant management, it was exciting and fulfilling to be able to put my concept and skills into an enriching experience for people which is basically how I like to live my life.

I met my love in Dallas who was soon offered a position here in the South Bay area and this is where we’ve been since 2019 with our two dogs, Bodhi, a deaf English Bulldog who carries herself like the dame Judi Dench and loves broccoli whom we sometimes call the Broccoli Butt Cannon, and Honey, a chubby youthful 13-year-old Korean-born Yorkie who’s lived in more cities than most dogs have. She misses riding the MTA with me in her doggy sling so she can try to lick passengers who give her eye contact.

My love for plants has grown exponentially since getting our first plant in California last year, as is noted through my plant IG acct @thephilodendronfiendplants. It was a way for me to cope with my feelings about being underemployed|unemployed since moving here, which was already tough finding a job in the project/product management field but even moreso now due to the pandemic.

It’s been hard not working because I like keeping myself busy [I had 2 jobs for 4 years while living in NYC] so I’m taking this unfortunate situation and make it into something worthwhile. I have been meaning to create this blog for awhile and with my manfriend’s help getting it set up, here it is!